Ngāi Tahu Education Ambassadors

The Ngāi Tahu Education Ambassador Project

The Ngāi Tahu Education Ambassador Project was established in July 2019 and is run by the Tuahiwi Education Team. Our aim is to empower young Ngāi Tahu rangatahi to be champions for their own peers within their schools and communities.

These selected ambassadors will be provided opportunity and support to strengthen their Ngāi Tahutanga and build on their leadership skills while paying it forward to other Ngāi Tahu rangatahi within their schools. The Ngāi Tahu Education Ambassadors will have the opportunity to shape and develop their own role while being supported by our team.

For further information please contact our kaitoko mātauranga:
Rhea Te Aika-Puanaki
Phone: 021445644

Oct 2020 Update: The lockdown really put a spanner into the works for our rangatahi. We had just introduced more ambassadors onto the programme and were looking forward to the upcoming planned noho. Unfortunately, that was planned for the weekend before we went into Level 4 lockdown and so our kaupapa came to an abrupt halt. They showed resilience and determination when they came back ready and rearing to prepare something for their Ngāi Tahu peers in their schools.  That's just who they are.

We had our noho 14 weeks after our original scheduled wānanga and really got to know the new ambassadors. The ambassadors were open and vulnerable with each other, they talked about why they want to be a part of the project and they shared their ideas on where they would like to see the project go.

They are hungry rangatahi who are striving to be confident in their identity as Ngāi Tahu and passionate about sharing pathways with other Ngāi Tahu rangatahi just like them. They have been collecting data in their schools to find out what Ngāi Tahu whānau want and need to get a good understanding of the landscape in which they are in. 

These incredible rangatahi have the TUA haerenga which was an opportunity to build on cultural knowledge, create connections with papatipu rūnanga, pull together a strong community of Ngāi Tahu rangatahi and to inspire each and every one of them to learn alongside them.

Check out the full report here!

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